Academies in England must publish certain information online. This page aims to organise this information, signposting to elsewhere on our website, where the information that you require may be found. 

School or college contact details

Your website should include the:

  • name of your school or college – Lingfield Primary School
  • postal address of your school or college – click here
  • telephone number of your school or college – click here 
  • name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public – click here
  • name of the headteacher or principal – click here 
  • name and address of the chair of the governing body (if you have one) – click here 
  • name and contact details of your special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO)  – click here
  • If you’re an academy, you should publish the website, address and telephone number of your academy trust – click here

Admission Arrangements – click here 

School Opening Hours 

School opens for wraparound care at 7.45am each day and closes at 5.45pm.

School opens at 8.50am for registration and teaching ends at 3.15pm.

OFSTED Report – click here 

Key Stage 2 (Year 6) Results (including link to DFE Performance Tables) – click here 


Academies should publish:

  • the content of the curriculum your school follows in each academic year for every subject, including for mandatory subjects such as Religious Education – click here 
  • you must also set out how over time you will increase the extent to which disabled pupils participate in the school’s curriculum, as part of your school’s accessibility plan – click here 
  • how parents or other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum your school is following – click here 
  • the names of any phonics or reading schemes you are using in key stage 1 – click here 

Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policies – click here 

Pupil Premium / Recovery Premium Information – click here 

PE and Sport Premium Information – click here 

Equality Objectives – click here 

SEND Information Report – click here 

Public Sector Equality Duty Information  – click here 

Complaints Policy – click here 

Uniform Information – click here 

Trust Annual reports, accounts and Governance Arrangements 

You should publish the following financial information about your school:​

Charging and Remission Policy – click here 

Values and Ethos – click here 

Request for paper copies – click here 

Approach to Remote Education – click here