Please find below links to our Sports Premium report for 2023-2024.

Physical Education at Lingfield

We want our children to develop an enjoyment of physical education in all its various forms including: gymnastics; games; swimming; dance.  

We aim for children to: 

  • Develop agility, physical strength, stamina, control and flair, using strategies, techniques and team spirit. 
  • Compete against others and against their own personal best- whatever that may be. 
  • Experience a wide range of sports, dance, swimming activities and to see how they contribute to personal fitness. 
  • Develop good habits that they will maintain for a healthy life and to find a sport or activity that they really enjoy. 
  • Be good sports- playing, winning or losing graciously. 
  • Learn to swim at least 25 metres and preferable to learn to do much more than the minimum requirement. 

Outdoor Education 

We believe that outdoor education offers children an added dimension to their enjoyment of physical education. We want every child to have the opportunity to take part in a residential visit to a centre where they can work with qualified instructors and school staff.  We believe these experiences have a range of benefits including; 

  • Developing courage, determination, perseverance, social skills, independence 
  • Giving children an opportunity to try activities that they may never otherwise experience such as climbing, abseiling, kayaking, canoeing, mountain biking and problem solving in a challenging environment 

These experiences take children out of their comfort zone and help them to become more aware of their own strengths and abilities. They develop a sense of awe and wonder about the natural environment around them and a greater understanding of life in a contrasting locality to their own. They also develop aptitudes that will benefit them in later life such as being prepared to try new things and to learn to work and live alongside other people outside of their family unit. Children are encouraged to record and reflect on their experiences and sometimes these can be really life-changing experiences for some children that they will remember for many years to come. 

PE & Sport Premium 

The Primary PE and Sport Premium was launched by the government in April 2013. It is ring-fenced funding to be used by the school to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools. It is important to emphasise that the focus of spending must lead to long lasting impact against the vision (below) that will live on well beyond the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding. 

The national vision is for: “All pupils leaving primary school [to be] physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.” 

We are part of Middlesbrough School Sports Partnership and we take part in many festivals and competitions throughout the year and at all stages of primary education.