Teach a child things that will be worth knowing as an adult; and having known as a child, make a person a better adult.”

Jerome Bruner

At Lingfield we believe in developing the whole child, making sure they are fully equipped to continue their learning journey in future years and make a positive contribution to society.  Our values and aims underpin this belief.

  • All children are encouraged to achieve to their full potential within a broad and balanced curriculum.  We promote the development of positive attitudes towards learning and encourage independence and self-motivation.
  • We build up relationships of trust, support and respect for everyone involved in school life.  There is an emphasis on adaptability, co-operation and consideration for others.
  • We promote consistency of behaviour through high expectations and shared values, emphasising an understanding of what is right and wrong.
  • We provide opportunities for physical development and promote an understanding of a healthy lifestyle.  We encourage pupils to achieve their potential in a variety of physical activities and develop positive attitudes towards sport.
  • We enable pupils to celebrate the rich diversity of cultural traditions in our world through developing tolerance and understanding.
  • We create an atmosphere in which the children are given the opportunity to reflect on religious beliefs and values.  Through the provision of extra curricular activities for older children we promote a positive ethos, to encourage a sense of community and to enhance relationships between children, staff and parents.
  • At Lingfield we provide pupils with stimulating and varied surroundings in which they feel comfortable and happy to work.