At Lingfield, we recognise the importance of preparing children for life in modern Britain and promoting values that are an integral part of 21st century British society.

The core British values are: mutual respect and beliefs, tolerance of those with different faiths, democracy, rule of law and individual liberty. These values are promoted and reinforced in school in a number of ways.

 We encourage children, parents, governors, teaching and support staff to show respect, kindness and consideration to all. We learn with and from one another; creating a school environment which nurtures the whole child and enables each one of us to realise their full potential. 

 As part of the RE curriculum throughout KS1 and KS2, children study the Christian faith and its core values.  We also study other world faiths. KS2 assemblies are often related to current affairs.  We aim to widen the children’s knowledge and experience of what is relevant in today’s society and multi-cultural issues in order to support them in making informed choices.  Themes we cover include: racism, politics, equality, justice, poverty, natural disasters and war.

 In lessons, children are encouraged to be independent learners and to make informed choices. At the beginning of each year, children work together with the teacher to agree class rules.  Children regularly review the reasons for particular rules and the importance of adhering to them.  Regular class debates and discussions through PSHE, RE or curriculum linked topic work are evident in lessons. E-safety sessions promote the importance of children making informed choices for safety reasons.

School Council representatives are democratically voted for by their peers. They meet regularly and discuss school issues, solving problems, consider improvements and engage in fund raising activities.

Pupils at Lingfield are very aware of the impact of fundraising.  This year we have held a number of collections for our local food bank, we have raised funds for UNCICEF to support their work in Ukraine and we have also raised funds for Young Minds.

Our Y6 pupils apply to be Lingfield leaders at the start of Y6.  They then have responsibilities throughout school, supporting both pupils and staff.