What is 30 hours free childcare?
If your child is 3 to 4 years old, you may be able to get 30 hours free childcare per week for 38 weeks of the year (during school term time). This means, instead of accessing 15 hours of Nursery at Lingfield, your child can receive 30 hours of free Nursery provision withon our school.
What you need to apply
You’ll need your details (and your partner’s, if you have one), including your:
- National Insurance number
- Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), if you’re self-employed
You’ll also need:
- the UK birth certificate reference number (if you have one) of any children you’re applying for
- the date you started or are due to start work (this can be approximate if more than 3 months ago)
Apply for a code
It usually takes 20 minutes to apply. You may find out if you’re eligible straight away, but it can take up to 7 days.
Once your application has been approved, you’ll get a code for free childcare to give to your childcare provider.
What you need to know
You have to reconfirm your eligibility every 3 months. If you apply more than 3 months before the term starts, you’ll have to reconfirm your eligibility in your account in order to keep your code valid.
Click here to apply
Please contact school if you would like to know more.